Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ferah's Tapa Cloth Reflection

Tapa Cloth Reflection

I am proud of my accomplish because due to it representing my culture and over looking better than I

A part of the process was scrunching the paper to make it look old and when Miss Paton (my teacher)
did mine
I thought it strange and unusual. However, even with a few rips it looked better than I would have
thought. Another interesting discovery I made about the task itself was that bleach could be used to
whiten dark coloured paper.  

A challenging moment was creating a perfectly symmetrical and identical pattern on either
side of the paper.

If I were to create this differently I think I would have tried a different pattern that was less detailed and
easier to draw, dye and bleach in small places.

A few things that inspired me to do this pattern were on google images. I also had help from my friends
suggesting where I could dye or bleach. My teacher was also a large help as she provided instructions
on how to create this artwork.

To modify these patterns, I could of chosen a more authentic and less easy pattern to go around the centre
or bolden the lines so they were more seeable from a distance.

The aspect of my tapa cloth that I am most proud of is the colour contrast and the pattern I chose to
draw in the centre and the borders.

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