Thursday, November 26, 2020

Room 1 Movie - The Year In Review


This is our movie -The Year in Review. 
It features all of the Room 1 children. The children were given some prompting questions: What was 2020 like for you? If you were to Thank God what would you thank him for? and What are you grateful for? 


  1. Thanks for putting this together and for posting, Miss Paton!

  2. Talofa Miss Paton and Room One students. Your Assembly item was AWESOME.Thank you so much for sharing your amazing learning with us. Each one of you presented very well. You are all amazing and confident learners. May you all continue to journey well in life and be blessed. Fa'afetai Miss Paton. GOD bless you all.

  3. Comment above by Maria Hopkins ( Koloa's Nana)
