Hi my name is Jia. I am from the Philippines. I go to Christ the King Catholic
School. I have a Mum, a Dad and a Grandma. My family is in the Philippines.
My cousin and Aunty are in Canada. I love studying when I’m on holiday with
my Grandma because she teaches me everything. I love athletics and dancing.
My hobbies are running and sometimes I like exercising. I am good at running
and sports. I am mostly good at athletics. I enjoy everything I do especially
with my family and friends. My challenge this year is to get better at
Reading, Writing and Maths. My goals are to make my parents proud and
make good gains in my grades. This year I am looking forward to trying my
best in getting things right. I would like to move up higher levels in Reading
and Maths . I have a Mum, a Dad and a Grandma that all inspire me to do
Maths. I know how to subtract, divide and multiply. In my blog I posted a
document. It's all about the President of United States. I posted it because
we had the Summer Learning Journey.
Good job Jia, daddy and mommy are very proud of you. Keep it up baby.