Monday, August 19, 2019

Anna and Melita's talk on Volcanoes

Today was our sharing day on landforms. This term the class are focusing on mini projects during Inquiry. As part of this unit of work the students had to give a talk on their chosen landform and were filmed. They were allowed to use a slideshow to add interest, but they were not allowed to have too much text on their slides, only bulleted ideas, images, animations and YouTube clips. Check out Anna and Melita's talk

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, my name is Krisina and I am a student in room 4 at Wesley Intermediate School. I really like Anna and Melita's talk on Volcanoes. It made me think of how when I was in primary we went to the Auckland Museum, and we only went to the Volcano areas the best part was the house that was supposed to have a Volcano kind of feeling. Have you thought about posting your top three students best work? If you would like to see my learning, my blog is
