Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Jesus is the Reason for the Season -Nativity themed Artworks

Merry Christmas Everyone.
We hope you have a great day with family and friends. Here is a compilation of all of the Nativity themed stained glass window paintings. We hope you enjoy viewing them. They are all different and unique, but they all tell a story about the birth of Jesus.

Monday, December 24, 2018

If I were to give three gold stars to Christ the King School it would be for...

As part of the leavers movie, the students were given the prompt: If I were to give Christ the King School three gold stars it would be for...
Tune in and listen to the students reasons behind their thinking.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Our Funny Stories from our time at Christ the King School

There is always a funny story to share when we are at a place. It is the same for at school. Tune in and listen to the leavers sharing their funny stories. Most of the funny stories are based on school camp. Fabulous memories to share.

Funny Stories from Joy Marie on Vimeo.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Farewell Messages for the Leavers

The non leavers in Miss Paton's and Mr Tyrell's class also contributed to the Leavers Movie. They shared farewell messages to all the leavers. These beautiful messages come straight from the heart. We hope you enjoy watching them.

Farewell messages for Leavers from Joy Marie on Vimeo.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Years 6 & 8 Leavers Reflect on their Memories from Christ the King School

Yesterday we farewelled our Years 6 & 8 Leavers. 
Over these last four weeks the students in Room 1 were given some prompts that they had to choose and write a script on. The prompts were on Favourite Memories from CTK, My First Day at CTK, Happy Stories, Sad Stories, if I were to give CTK three gold stars what would it be for, and Farewell Messages from the Non Leavers. The Year 6's from Room 3, also took part in making this movie. Here is our first chapter from our feature length movie: Favourite Memories from CTK. We hope you enjoy it. 

Favourite Memories from Joy Marie on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

More of our beautiful Nativity Stained Windows Paintings

During the last three weeks the students in Room 1 and 3 have been creating Nativity themed stained glass windows as an end of term art project. The stained glass windows have created an impressive display in Room 1. Each window is unique and tells a story. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Michael's Nativity Stained Glass Window Painting

Making a Nativity Stained Glass Window Painting

1. What were you most pleased with about your painting?
The way I drew my initial sketch it was not very easy but I got through it.
It turned out good  

2. What did you find challenging?
The painting in between the lines, was very hard. I tried not to go over the lines.  

3. What would you do differently next time?
Drew more symmetrical lines and maybe change my theme into the birth of baby

4. What have you learnt during this process?
That it is very fun to make painting with the coolest teacher and my friends. I had
to show patience around painting between the lines.

5. What / who helped you during this process
My beautiful teacher Miss Paton helped me through the whole process.
She even helped me through all the other art projects we do.  

Thursday, December 6, 2018

More of our Nativity Themed Stained Glass Windows

Through out the last three weeks we have been creating our own Nativity Stained Glass Windows. Here are some beautiful stained glass windows created by Ana, Reyna, Naomi, Havana and Michael. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Melita's Christmas Haiku Poems

Today I have been learning about haiku poems. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. It has a structure of: 
5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.

Image result for christmas tree

Conventional Christmas Haiku Poem
Today is Christmas
Christmas is so beautiful

I love Christmas Day

Image result for christmas

Religious Haiku Poem
 In the silent night
Bright, shiny star in the sky
Where Jesus was born

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Havana's Christmas Dinner Plan on an unlimited budget.

This is my Christmas dinner where we had an unlimited amount of money to pick out an Entree a Main and a Dessert. I have spent $82.78 on my unlimited Christmas dinner.

Quantity needed
Ready salted chips.
Condensed milk

Maggi Packet Soup Bacon & Onion

Mountain Dew

Chicken nuggets
X1 Pck
X2 Pck
X2 whole
X2 Pck
X1 whole
X1 bag
Shoestring frozen chips.
X1 Pck
Hot sauce

Sponge cake
X2 special
Mixed fruit salad
X 3 cans
$ 4.50
Raspberry fizzy
X1 Pck
Ice cream  neapolitan