Monday, April 23, 2018

Meron's Tapa Cloth Reflection

Tapa Cloth Reflection

1. Are you pleased with your accomplishment? Why / Why Not?
I think I did good job on mine because  I didn't get distracted
by people and didn't make any mistakes

2. What were some of the most interesting discoveries
you made while working on your Tapa Cloth? About the task?
About myself? I learnt that when I was making my Tapa Cloth
I had to make my deisgns show rotation and reflection

3. What were some of my most challenging moments in
making my Tapa Cloth  and what made them so?
My challenging moment was rubbing out the squares
without rubbing out my drawing.
My other challenging moment was ruling the lines straight.

4. What would you do differently if you were to make a Tapa Cloth again?
If I would to have to make another Tapa I would do more
harder designs and more creative ones that shows rotation
and reflection instead of a simple flower

5. What / who helped you with your Tapa Cloth? No one
helped me but I got some of my designs from Google

6. What could you modify / alter on your Tapa Cloth
Next time a will like to show translation on my drawing

7. What aspect of your Tapa Cloth are you most proud of?
I'm proud of my flower that a drew and proud that they show
rotation and reflection

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